This Is My Blog

This is my blog. It is awesome. Comment if you would like to, I like comments!

Monday, September 17, 2012

I Don't Know What To Call This...

Well, I just wanted to tell you girls that this blog is not just about American Girl. I post random stuff that I think deserves a post.
Now, onto some other, more fun stuff...
I have the detective badge in Girl Scouts! It's among many patches and badges not sewed onto my vest.
I finally have my own room!
It's already Monday. I miss the weekend!


  1. Hey Mattie! I found your blog through the American Girl Message board and decided to leave a comment. I see you like pink just like me ;) It is a very pretty color, isn't it??


  2. It really is! Though my favorite color is purple. ;)

  3. hey Mattie.. I didn't mean to, but I made myself a non follower for a few weeks... I didn't mean that!!! I love your blog! I follow you now, I just wanted to say that I didn't mean to.
