This Is My Blog

This is my blog. It is awesome. Comment if you would like to, I like comments!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Dogs!

Well, in case you didn't know, my family has two dogs. One is a very big weimaraner dog named Hank. The other one is an old-as-dirt chihuahua mix dog named Pee Wee. They do some wierd things.  Here's a list of some of the wierd things they do:
1. Pee Wee likes to lay in the backyard in the sun. We call it "Recharging His Batteries"
2. Hank liks to eat ice cubes
3. Hank tries to catch lizards in the backyard and in the neighborhood
4. Pee Wee (and Hank!) bark whenever someone rings the doorbell
5. Hank will eat almost anything, while Pee Wee wouldn't eat a piece of fruit or veggie if his life depended on it!
6. Hank doesn't like the UPS truck or motercycles
                                            Do you have any pets? :)


  1. I have an old doggie :D

    Pee-Wee and Hank sound cute!

  2. They are! Yours sounds cute, too!

  3. My dog barks like 10 minutes AFTER people come :/ l

  4. Your dogs sound so cute! I have a bichon frise named Mignon who's turning 17 soon! I just discovered your blog recently. I love it! I nominated you for the, "Your AG Blog is Great" award, here's the link:

  5. Kassidy- Oh my gosh, when Pee Wee hears the doorbell he freaks out. And when Pee Wee starts freaking out, Hank starts!
    Dakota- I saw! Thanks soooooooooooo much!

  6. I have a Green Cheek Conure named Nemo. And a Shih'tzu named Annie.
